Idealized urban configurations

The preliminary setup follows JAS paper 1 here is a scheme for the experiments image

  • Domain: length = 256 m, width = 128 m, height = 64.0 m;
  • Grid: nx = 512; ny = 256; nz = 128, so that uniform resolution of 0.5m in any direction is achieved
  • Flow configuration: Open Channel flow with constant external pressure gradient of dpdx = - phys.rho_ref * ustar_r^2 /(height - buildings_height), where phys.rho_ref = 1.25 kg/m^3 is reference air density, ustar_roof = 0.25 is target dynamic velocity just above the building roofs .
  • Other fluid characteristics:
          f = 0.0;                                # coriolis frequency [1/s]
          nu = 1.25 * 0.00001;                    # kinematic viscosity [m^2/s]
          xi = (1.0 / 0.7) * nu;                  # thermal diffusivity [m^2/s]
          rho_ref = 1.25;                         # reference density of air [kg/m^3]
          g = 9.81;                               # gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]
          Theta_ref = 283.15;                     # reference temperature [K]
          # --- no buoyancy
          beta = 0.0;                             # = g * thermal expansion coefficient = g / Theta_ref [m/(K*s^2)]
  • Integration model time: 2hours
  • Buildings setup: surface dynamic and thermal roughness parameters z0m = 0.01 m, z0h = z0m/10.0. building_height = 16 m.
  • Building configuration: SRF1
    h = 16 # [m], building height
          patch_1 {
                  type = "box";
                  xmin = 0.0; xmax = h;   # patch dimensions
                  ymin =  0.0; ymax = h;
                  height = h;
                  xperiod = 8.0 * h;                      #  periodicity in -x
                  yperiod = 4.0 * h;                      #  periodicity in -y
          patch_2 {
                  type = "box";                   # patch type: "box" || "hill"
                  xmin = 4.0 * h ; xmax = 5.0 * h;   # patch dimensions
                  ymin =  2.0 * h; ymax = 3.0 * h;
                  height = h;
                  xperiod = 8.0 * h;                  # periodicity in -x
                  yperiod = 4.0 * h;                  # periodicity in -y